Hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug that has been touted for its benefits in treating COVID-19 patients by President Donald Trump, has come under scrutiny in the U.S. after many health professionals have spoken out about the limited evidence that the substance helps coronavirus patients.
Doctors in Germany and the UK seem to agree with these statements most, as Hydroxychloroquine is prescribed for COVID-19 less often in these countries. In the U.S., almost 40 percent of doctors said they had used the medication.
Globally, half of doctors said they had used hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.
This is according to a survey carried out by healthcare data company Sermo. 6,200 physicians in 30 countries were questioned and, with at least 250 doctor per country for which individual data was released, the study has a +/- 6 percent precision. The makers of the study also noted that prescription rates had been rising fast since they first carried out the study in late March.
In countries hit hard by coronavirus in Europe – Italy and Spain – doctors prescribed the medication most often. It was the most commonly used drug to treat COVID-19 together with antibiotics (used by 83 and 89 percent of doctors, respectively) in these countries, while in Germany and the UK, doctors relied more heavily on antibiotics and bronchial dilators. hydroxychloroquine 200 mg
Europe's Covid Sceptic Strongholds<!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->hydroxychloroquine for salehydroxychloroquine useshydroxychloroquine cost
A new survey by YouGov in Europe has revealed where scepticism surrounding the health risks of Covid-19 is at its most widespread. As our infographic shows, Romania is the biggest sceptic stronghold in 2021, where 46 percent of respondents said they generally think the level of health risk from Covid-19 tends to be overstated. Levels are similarly high in neighbouring Bulgaria, where 41 percent are of this opinion.
At the other end of the scale, Sweden, Portugal, Italy and Spain registered the lowest shares of people doubting the stated seriousness of the disease - all coming in at under 20 percent. In Spain and Portugal, there was even over 40 percent that said they in fact think the risks have been understated. Denmark is home to the largest share of people that are comfortable with the current assessment, 65 percent saying they think the risk is stated about right. <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->hydroxychloroquine side effectshydroxychloroquine dosage
credited to statista